(nextflipdebug2) #1
5.7 'Another', '(the) other(s)', 'either', 'neither', 'each (one of)'

5.7C 'Each of, etc. [> LEG 5.5.2,5.30-31]



1 We can use of the/ту, etc. after any, some, another, each, either, neither, none [> 5.2A]:
Instead of: Neither lift is working.
We can say: Neither of the lifts is working.

2 After either, neither and none, when the reference is plural, we can use a plural verb in
everyday speech or a singular verb when we wish to sound 'correct' or formal:
Neither of us is/are happy about this. None of my friends has/have been invited.

Rewrite these sentences using of the.

1 Another teaspoon is missing
2 Neither roadmap is much use
3 Any roadmap you have will be OK
4 Either road leads to the same place
5 Each painting is perfect
6 Neither boy is guilty
7 I can't ask either secretary to do the job
8 Give a tip to each porter

5.7D 'One of [> LEG 5.30]

Study: We can say: Each of these answers is right. Or: Each one of these answers is right.
We can use of or one of after any, another, each, either, and neither.
We must use a noun after every (every room) or we must use one of (every one of):
Every room is booked. Every (single) one of the rooms is booked. (Not *Every of")

Write: Delete one where possible in these sentences.

1 Every one of these answers is wrong.
2 Each one of these pilots has been highly trained.
3 She came in here and criticized every single one of our products.
4 I'm not prepared to listen to another one of your complaints.
5 Any one of us might be asked to help in an emergency.

5.7E Context

Write: Put in one, either, others, other, the other or some.

The^1 Qth&F.... day the Prime Minister appointed a new Minister of Transport.

(^2) ministers like to travel everywhere by car; (^3) prefer to use
public transport.^4 of these means of transport is fine, but the new
minister is^5 of those who goes everywhere by bicycle. When he arrived
at the House of Commons yesterday, he was stopped by two security guards.
(^6) of them was sure he had seen him before. 'I know you, don't I?' asked
one of the guards. 'You're^7 of these messengers, aren't you?' 'Well, no,
actually,' the minister replied. 'I'm^8 of the ministers.' 'I knew you w?re
(^9) or (^10) !' the guard replied.
He goes everywhere by bicycle

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