Interior Lighting for Designers

(Elliott) #1

function. Luminaires for these sources
require only a brightness-controlling ele-
ment; the most efficient is the open para-
bolic reflector. These luminaires are
relatively easy to maintain: very little dirt col-
lects on the underside of the lamp, and
every time the lamp is changed, the entire
optical system is replaced (figure 12.13).

R14 or R20 downlights are sometimes
used with spot lamps when a narrow beam
of light is desired from a small aperture
(figure 12.14), but PAR16 and PAR20
lamps are more efficient. R30 and R40
downlights are infrequently used; the wide
spread of the R flood lamp is available from
an A-lamp downlight, which is more efficient


Figure 12.9Compact fluorescent, parabolic, open-reflector downlight with 6-inch aperture.
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