It is the designer’s role to simplify the
visual process and the environmental back-
ground so that distortions and irrelevant
clutter are minimized. The goal is to reduce
distractions so that the environment assists
concentration and conserves our energy for
the demands of more productive tasks and
Luminaire Patterns
An irregular luminaire pattern on the ceiling
confuses orientation and spatial under-
standing. We react negatively not because
tasks are poorly illuminated or because glare
produces discomfort, but because of the dis-
tractions produced by the luminaire place-
ment. When the irregular luminaire pattern
directs attention to the ceiling, we must
overcome the distraction and consciously
focus attention on the activities and more
meaningful visual stimuli in the room.
An organized pattern on the ceiling mini-
mizes the effort required to discover or
impose regularity on the environment (figure
13.2). Carefully organized brightness patterns
and repetitive luminaire layouts are useful
techniques for simplifying the processes of ori-
entation and activity comprehension. In addi-
tion to establishing organized luminaire
patterns, matching luminaire apertures of the
same dimension and finish further reduce
confusion (figure 13.3). Because greater cer-
Figure 13.1Low-brightness louvers minimize clutter on the ceiling and establish the primary focus in the activity portions
of the visual field.