Body Language

(WallPaper) #1
Keep watching people pass by and notice how the ones who don’t seem com-
fortable with themselves move. Their heads are probably tucked into shoul-
ders, arms folded across chests, and they move at a dreary pace. They look a
sad and sorry lot. People who don’t feel good about themselves hide in their
clothes, their postures droop, and you have little hope of getting a genuine
smile from them (see Figure 7-2).

Your posture, gestures, and expressions reveal how you feel about yourself
and determine how others relate to you.

Not only can you determine how others perceive you by the way you hold
your body, you can also determine your own frame of mind. The way you pre-
sent yourself reflects and influences your mood and attitude.

Figure 7-1:
open arms,
and a
ease and

Part III: The Trunk: Limbs and Roots ..........................

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