Body Language

(WallPaper) #1

Chapter 10

Chapter 10: Standing Your Ground ..............................................................................

In This Chapter

Finding the right stance for your attitude

Showing how you really feel

Revealing information without meaning to


t certain times in your life you’ve had to take a stance and make a firm
decision. You probably planted your feet firmly on the ground and got
on with what you had to do. At other times you’ve been able to take it easy,
wandering from one pillar to another post.

You’ve stamped your foot in anger – or known someone who has – you’ve
rubbed your ankle up against another’s as well as your own, and you’ve
stood with your weight on one leg in boredom, as well as bouncing on your
toes in excitement.

In this chapter I look at the different types of stance you adopt depending on
your mood and circumstances. You also discover what the swinging foot is
saying, as well as the pointed toe.

Showing Commitment and Attitude through Your Stance......................

The foundation for any stance is to stand with your feet evenly placed under
your hips and with your weight equally distributed between them. What you
choose to do with that foundation depends on what you want to show and
how you want to be perceived. How you hold yourself reflects the effects of
life experiences as well as social position.

You can spot status by the way a person stands. The Queen doesn’t slump, at
least, not in public. The petty officer stands to attention when his superior
enters the room. The servant bows at his master’s will.
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