Body Language

(WallPaper) #1
If you’re feeling defeated and want to change your mood, adopt the straddle
stance, with your head held high, and your shoulders back. By adopting this
powerful position, you can create the matching feeling.

Threatening signs
Throughout history and across cultures, phallic displays have been consid-
ered signs of dominance. By standing with his legs apart, a man unashamedly
shows his crotch to anyone who’s looking, declaring himself to be Conan the
Warrior. Exposing himself this way, even though he may be fully covered,
demonstrates that as far as he’s concerned, he’s the boss.

You can tell if two people are ready to fight, or are merely summing up each
other in a friendly way. If they stand face to face with their feet apart, their
hands on their hips, or their fingers and thumbs tucked into their belt loops
or the tops of their pockets, they probably don’t like one another very much
and are looking for trouble. If, however, their bodies are turned slightly away
from one another they’re simply sizing each other up in a friendly inter-

Figure 10-1:
The straddle
and power.

Chapter 10: Standing Your Ground 167

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