Body Language

(WallPaper) #1

Walking Styles ...............................................................................................

Some people slump and drag their feet. Others add a lively bounce to their
step. Still others swagger, shuffle, or career along a path. However a person
walks, he’s being true to his internal rhythms, feelings, and emotions. Or, he’s
presenting an image of what he wants you to believe. Watching people walk
can tell you a lot about their health, attitude, and general state of being.

How you walk reflects your mental state. Vivacious, healthy, and energetic
people walk faster than people who are elderly, ill, or infirm. The energetic
walker swings his arms high, both in front and behind, sometimes giving the
appearance of marching. For the most part, young people have more muscle
flexibility than older people and can move faster, giving the appearance of
energy and excitement.

If you find yourself feeling depressed and dragging your feet as you walk
along, increase your tempo. A quicker pace increases your energy and lifts
your spirits.

The exaggerated walking style adopted by military personnel deliberately
conveys the image of dynamism and forceful vitality.

Figure 10-4:
the man
may be
coming on
strong, the
woman’s not

Chapter 10: Standing Your Ground 177

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