Body Language

(WallPaper) #1

Although both men and women smoke they have different habits around
their habit. For instance, men and women hold their cigarettes differently. A
woman holds her cigarette higher in the air with her wrist bent back, display-
ing the soft skin. Her body is open, accentuating her chest. In this provoca-
tive position, the cigarette takes on the appearance of a small phallus that
the woman slips between her lips and seductively sucks.

When men smoke, they hold their wrists straight, pointing upward like an
erect phallus. After they’ve taken a puff, they tend to drop their smoking
hand below chest level, closing their bodies off, putting them into a protec-
tive position. Some men also hold their cigarettes by pinching them between
their index finger and thumb. The cigarette is hidden inside the palm, convey-
ing an image of secretiveness and seduction.

In spite of health concerns and the dangers of smoking, the rituals involved
continue to be an acceptable form of courtship. The man offers to light a
woman’s cigarette. The woman cups her hand around the man’s as she drags
deeply on her cigarette, gazing into his eyes slightly longer than she would

Women who smoke can be perceived as being submissive. The message a
female smoker gives is that she can be persuaded to do things that aren’t good
for her. Male smokers are perceived as risk takers and therefore exciting.

Ways of smoking .................................................................................

You can find different types of smokers and different ways of smoking. Some
people take long, deep inhalations while others take short, quick puffs. Some
flick the tip of their cigarettes even when there’s no ash, while others leave the
ash to dangle. Some people smoke their cigarettes right down to the filter;
others put them out after only a drag or two. By watching how someone man-
ages this prop, you can draw some conclusions about her mental state.

Deeply inhaling.The deep inhale acts as a sedative. The action relaxes
the smoker and is her way of responding to stress. If you notice a
smoker drawing in deeply you can rightfully presume that this person’s
feeling the pressure.

Quick puffing.By puffing quickly the smoker is stimulating her brain.
Her awareness becomes heightened and she feels ready for action. This
person may frequently pick her cigarette up and put it down rather than
holding on to it for a prolonged time.
Exhalation.The speed of the exhalation indicates the intensity of the
movement. If a person exhales quickly with the smoke going upwards
she’s feeling quite positive. If she blows out quickly facing downwards her
feelings are negative. Slower exhales indicate a more considered feeling.

Chapter 11: Playing with Props 185

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