Chapter 15
Chapter 15: Crossing the Cultural Divide ....................................................................
In This Chapter
Greeting people and saying farewell
Understanding different cultures
Playing by the rules
ith businesses spanning the globe, students travelling the world, and
the media bringing foreign lands into people’s homes on a daily basis,
no group can any longer believe in the infallibility of their own customs and
culture. As the singer/songwriter Paul Simon says, ‘One man’s ceiling is
another man’s floor.’
In spite of the shrinking world, or perhaps because of it, cultures hold onto
their customs and traditions with pride and determination. Behaviours as
simple as counting on your fingers, walking along the street, and shaking
hands, vary widely across the globe.
Unless you know the rules that govern behaviour in cultures other than your
own, you can make some major mistakes that, in addition to insulting your host,
may lead to a diplomatic crisis. Or, at least an uncomfortable embarrassment.
You don’t want to make a fool of yourself, insult your host, or cause an inter-
national crisis because you didn’t know the differences between acceptable
and unacceptable behaviours. So when in doubt, ask. A native is more than
happy to guide you in the ways of her country and is flattered that you asked.
One gesture that you’re always safe to use, no matter where you go, is the
smile. This is the one truly universal gesture that’s understood by the most
sophisticated city person as well as by desert nomads.
Because so many countries and cultures exist in the world, and I have so few
pages in which to write about them, this chapter gives you a few tips and
techniques to get you started on a safe path as you trek the globe.