Body Language

(WallPaper) #1

Micro nodding.......................................................................................

Often people end their statements with a barely perceptible dip of the head.
In a quick motion the head pulls downward followed by a softer return to the
upright position. The action emphasises the speaker’s commitment to what
has just been said and can be perceived as a slight attack. George W Bush fre-
quently uses this gesture, accompanying his words, ‘make no mistake about it’.

Displaying Attention and Interest ................................................................

If you tilt or cock your head you indicate that you’re interested in whatever
you’re observing. Although men tilt their heads by raising the chin, women
prefer the head cock in which the chin is slightly lowered and the head is
held at an angle towards the subject of interest.

This section covers all manner of head tilts.

Tilting and canting ..............................................................................

Whether you call the action tilting or canting, people and animals incline
their heads slightly whenever they hear something that captures their atten-
tion. Notice when you perform this gesture that you hold your head at an
angle towards whatever’s got your interest. The head tilt – or cant – is also
used when people are listening attentively.

Although men tilt their heads in an upward movement, mostly as a sign of
recognition, women tilt their heads to the side in appeasement and as a play-
ful or flirtatious gesture. When a woman tilts her head she exposes her neck,
making herself look more vulnerable and less threatening.

If you’re in a social setting and notice a woman in the company of men tilting
her head, you can safely bet she’s out to gain their attention.

Because the head tilt can be used to indicate that what you’re saying needn’t
be taken too seriously, make sure that when you’re making an important
point you keep your head upright.

Chapter 3: Heading to the Heart of the Matter 53

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