
(Steven Felgate) #1

by the terrestrial archaea. 47 .Helicobacter pylori 48 .Staphylococcus 49 .The marsh gas associated with methane
bogs is produced by archaean methanogens.

Chapter 5

1 .C 2 .C 3 .C 4 .A 5 .C 6 .D 7 .A 8 .B 9 .D 10 .A 11 .C 12 .B 13 .A 14 .B 15 .plasmalemma 16 .Fungi

17 .Trematoda 18 .dioecious 19 .coenocytic 20 .yeasts 21 .antibiotics 22 .pyrenoids 23 .secondary endosymbiosis
24 .These are modified mitochondria found in some protozoa. 25 .Toxoplasmosis may affect behavior and

personality. 26 .The macronucleus contains many copies of genes for metabolism. 27 .The best defense is making
sure meat is well cooked. 28 .Trichophyton, Microsporum, Epidermophyton 29 .It is a cell formed from the fusion of
two cells without the nuclei being fused. 30 .Diatoms have silica shells known as frustules. 31 .Algae are

photosynthetic and can produce their own food, so they do not need to get it from other organisms. 32 .brown algae
(Phaeophyta), green algae (Chlorophyta), red algae (Rhodophyta) 33 .They create soil, are food for animals, and are

indicators of air pollution (as well as other possible answers). 34 .D 35 .Students can compare older approaches that
used similarities in morphology and locomotion with newer approaches using molecular genetics. 36 .There are
many possible answers to this question. For example, protists that are heterotrophic are more likely to cause disease

than autotrophic protists. Protists that are missing certain organelles or that are nonmotile (such as apicomplexans)
are more likely to be parasitic or pathogenic than those that have all of the usual organelles and those that are

motile. 37 .Infection occurs by contact with parasites in fresh water, so anything that prevents people from being in
water would break the life cycle of the parasite. 38 .A 39 .Chitin is a component of the fungal cell wall and is not a
compound found in humans or any other vertebrate. Understanding how chitin is made can mean finding methods

for interfering with its production in fungal pathogens. This may lead to a cure for fungal diseases that has limited
side effects on their hosts.

Chapter 6

1 .B 2 .A and B 3 .B 4 .B 5 .C 6 .B 7 .D 8 .D 9 .B 10 .A 11 .B 12 .D 13 .C 14 .D 15 .C 16 .True 17 .bacteriophage

18 .complex 19 .naked or nonenveloped 20 .tail fibers 21 .reverse transcriptase 22 .eclipse 23 .Electron
24 .cytopathic effects 25 .RNA, helper virus

Answer Key 273

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