
(Steven Felgate) #1

Fornicata, 197
Fox, 17

Fracastoro, 40 , 88
Frankia, 165

free ribosome, 0
free ribosomes, 118

frequency, 34 , 0
fruiting bodies, 155

frustule, 0
frustules, 219

fruticose lichens, 224 , 0
Fuligo septica, 191

Fungi, 23
fungi, 0 , 207 , 211

fungicides, 217
Fusobacterium, 144 , 159 , 160


Galileo, 41

Gammaproteobacteria, 151 , 161 , 0
Gardnerella, 165

gas gangrene, 101 , 166
Generalized transduction, 242

generalized transduction, 0
germ theory of disease, 88 , 0

germination, 101 , 0
disease, 264

giant viral species, 233
Giardia lamblia, 127 , 197

glycocalyx, 107 , 0
Golden Age of Microbiology, 11

golden algae, 219
Golgi, 120

Golgi apparatus, 120 , 0
gonorrhea, 149

Gonyaulax, 219
Gram, 63

Gram stain procedure, 63 , 0
gram-negative bacteria, 145 , 151

gram-negative cells, 106
gram-positive bacteria, 145

gram-positive cells, 106
Gram’s iodine, 63

granules, 164
green algae, 221

green nonsulfur bacteria, 161 , 0

green sulfur bacteria, 161 , 0
Group A strep, 109
guinea worm, 25
Guinea worm disease, 206

H1N1 influenza, 234
H2N2, 234
Haeckel, 14
Haemophilus, 144 , 151
Halobacteria, 176
Halobacterium salinarum, 176
Haloferax volcanii, 176
Halothiobacillus neapolitanus, 99
Hämmerling, 222
Hansen’s disease, 164
heartworm, 201
heat fixing, 61
HeLa cell line, 253
helical, 235
helical virus, 235 , 0
Helicobacter, 156
Helicobacter pylori, 156
helminth, 25 , 0
helper viruses, 262
hemagglutination assay, 257
hemagglutination inhibition (HAI)
assays, 257
Hemophilus, 154
hepatitis B virus (HBV), 262
Hepatitis C virus, 246
hepatitis delta virus (HDV), 262
herpes simplex virus, 246
heterocysts, 162
high G+C gram-positive bacteria,
146 , 163 , 0
Hippocrates, 9
Histoplasma capsulatum, 208 , 213
histoplasmosis, 208
HIV, 246
holdfast, 159
holozoic, 187 , 0
Hooke, 41 , 84
Hooke’s law of elasticity, 57
hookworm, 201 , 206
host range, 231 , 0
human microbiome, 143

Human Microbiome Project, 146
hydrogenosomes, 127 , 187
hyperthermophiles, 173
hypertonic medium, 95 , 0
hyphae, 207 , 0
Hyphomicrobium, 149
hypotonic medium, 95 , 0

icosahedral, 235 , 0
illuminator, 44 , 0
image point (focus), 36 , 0
immunofluorescence, 50 , 72 , 72 , 0
immunofluorescent staining, 239
Immunology, 26
immunology, 0
impetigo, 110 , 167
in vitro, 251 , 0
in vivo, 251 , 0
inclusions, 98 , 0
India ink, 67
indirect immunofluorescence assay
(IFA), 51
induction, 240 , 0
Influenza B virus, 234
influenza vaccine, 252
influenza virus, 242
interference, 35 , 0
intermediate filament, 0
intermediate filaments, 121
International Classification of
Diseases (ICD), 238
International Committee on
Taxonomy of Viruses (ICTV), 236
International Union of
Microbiological Societies, 236
intestinal fluke, 201
Irish potato famine, 196
isoprene chains, 174
isotonic medium, 95 , 0
Ivanovski, 230
Ixodes, 158
Ixodes scapularis, 194

Janssen, 42

278 Index

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