
(Steven Felgate) #1

Figure 2.27 STMs and AFMs allow us to view images at the atomic level. (a) This STM image of a pure gold surface
shows individual atoms of gold arranged in columns. (b) This AFM image shows long, strand-like molecules of
nanocellulose, a laboratory-created substance derived from plant fibers. (credit a: modification of work by
“Erwinrossen”/Wikimedia Commons)

  • Which has higher magnification, a light microscope or a scanning probe microscope?

  • Name one advantage and one limitation of scanning probe microscopy.

Figure 2.28,Figure 2.29, andFigure 2.30summarize the microscopy techniques for light microscopes, electron
microscopes, and scanning probe microscopes, respectively.

58 Chapter 2 | How We See the Invisible World

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