CUMIPMT function, 332
CUMPRINC function, 332
depreciation functions, 351
Engineering Category Functions, 921–922
entering and editing data
array formulas, 364
cell contents
data-entry techniques, 37–42
editing, 35–37
erasing, 35
overview, 34
replacing, 35
data types
formulas, 30–31
numeric values, 30
overview, 29
text entries, 30
date values, 33–34
number formatting
automatic number formatting, 43–44
custom number formats, 47–48
Format Cells dialog box, 45–47
overview, 42–43
Ribbon interface, 44
shortcut keys, 45
text and values, 32–33
time values, 33–34
Entire Workbook printing option, 178
EntireColumn property, 890
EntireRow property, 890
entry types, suppressing, 567
EOMONTH function, 258, 920
equal sign (=), 203
Equation Editor feature
defined, 5
general discussion, 535–537
Equation Tools tab, Equation Editor, 536
erasing cell contents, 35
ERF function, 922
ERFC function, 922
ERFC.PRECISE function, 922
ERF.PRECISE function, 922
Error Alert tab, Data Validation dialog box, 571, 574
error bars feature, 437, 461–463
Error Checking dialog box, 667
errors. See also names of specific error
appropriate for Solver tool, 765
AutoCorrect feature, 672–674
Easter, date functions, 270
eBook version, 934
EDATE function, 258, 920
Edit button
Scenario Manager dialog box, 758
Select Data Source dialog box, 446
Edit Criteria dialog box, 691
Edit Formatting Rule dialog box, 493
Edit Links dialog box, 593–594, 660
Edit mode
multiple formatting styles in single cell, 121
overview, 36
Edit Objects option, Protect Sheet dialog box, 640
Edit Scenarios option, Protect Sheet dialog box, 640
Edit Series dialog box
charts, 458
defined, 446
Edit Sparklines dialog box, 513
editing, 440. See also entering and editing data
Editing tab, Share Workbook dialog box, 631
EFFECT function, 923
element codes, headers and footers, 186–187
elements, of charts, 437–442
Else clause, If-Then-Else structure, 818
embedded chart
activating, 405, 413
changing data range, 457
objects in worksheets
non-Word documents, 623
overview, 622
Word documents, 623
workbooks in Word
copying, 624–626
creating new Excel objects, 626
saved workbooks, 626
employee list.xlsx sample file, 940
Enable Automatic Percent Entry check box, 44, 552
Enable Background Error Checking check box, 209, 665
Enable Content button
Security Warning panel, 153, 934
Trust Center dialog box, 797
Enable Iterative Calculation setting, 220
Encrypt Document dialog box, 150, 642
Encrypt with Password command, Info pane, 155
End Sub statement, 799
end_period argument
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