Excel 2010 Bible

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1



fv function argument, 331
FVSCHEDULE function, 923

GAMMADIST function, 918
GAMMA.DIST function, 930
GAMMAINV function, 918
GAMMA.INV function, 930
GAMMALN function, 930
GAMMALN.PRECISE function, 930
Gantt charts, 476–477
gantt chart.xlsx sample file, 938
Gaps option, 461–462
gauge charts, 473–474
gauge chart.xlsx sample file, 938
GCD function, 927
general array formula type, 374
General format, Format Cells dialog box, 46
General horizontal alignment option, Format Cells dialog
box, 122
General number format category, 551, 554, 703
General Options dialog box, 643
GEOMEAN function, 930
GESTEP function, 922
GETPIVOTDATA function, 734–735, 926
Go To dialog box, 501
Go to Special dialog box
Dependents option, 665
identifying cells, 661
Precedents option, 664
selecting special types of cells, 74–76
Goal Seek tool, 761–764
grade-point averages, 322–323
Grand Total display
defined, 704
using calculated items in pivot table, 729
graphic object, exporting, 525
conditional formats using
color scale, 487–490
data bars, 485–487
icon sets, 490–494
inserting, 532–533
overview, 531
graphs. See charts
Greater than 10 conditional formatting rule, 481
GRG Nonlinear tab, Solver Options dialog box, 770–771
gridlines, charts, 448
Group mode, 73–74

function plot 2D.xlsx sample file, 938
function plot 3D.xlsm sample file, 938
Function procedure, 800
custom worksheet
debugging, 833–834
example of, 824–826
function procedure arguments, 828–833
function procedures, 826–828
inserting, 834–836
VBA functions, 823
age calculation, 265–266
converting nondate string to date, 261–262
current date, 259
date of most recent Sunday, 267
date’s quarter, 271
day of week, 267
day of year, 266–267
displaying date, 259–260
first day of week after a date, 267–268
generating series of dates, 260–261
holiday dates, 268–271
last day of month, 271
leap year, 271
nth occurrence of day of week in month, 268
number of days between dates, 262
number of work days dates, 263–264
number of years between dates, 265
offsetting dates using only work days, 264
overview, 258
defined, 801
adding hours, minutes, or seconds, 278
calculating difference between times, 274–275
converting decimal hours, minutes, or seconds,
converting from military time, 277
displaying any time, 273
displaying current time, 272–273
non–time-of-day values, 279–280
rounding time values, 279
summing times that exceed 24 hours, 275–277
using in worksheets, 824–825
using with arrays, 369
Future Value (FV), defined, 330
FV function
calculating compound interest, 347
calculating final investment amounts, 345
function of, 923

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