Import Data dialog box, 687
Import/Export button, 545
importing, 679–680. See also external database file data
IMPOWER function, 922
IMPRODUCT function, 922
IMREAL function, 922
IMSIN function, 922
IMSQRT function, 922
IMSUB function, 922
IMSUM function, 922
Include in Personal View settings, 633
income and expense.xlsx sample file, 940
incomplete calculation error, 650
incorrect reference error, 649
Increase Decimal Places button, Ribbon, 44, 553, 560
Increase Font Size button, Ribbon, 14
Indent setting, 123
Independence Day, date functions, 270
independent variables, 791
INDEX function
arrays, 363
function of, 926
general discussion, 316–318
Lookup formulas, 311
multiple forms, 208
returning longest text in range, 385
indirect cell dependent, 663
indirect cell precedent, 663
INDIRECT function, 328, 371, 926
INFO function, 925
Info options
Compatibility Mode section, 154
Permissions section, 154–155
Prepare for Sharing section, 155–156
Security Warning section, 153–154
Versions section, 156
replacing, 670
searching for, 669–670
Information Category Functions, 925
Information Rights Management (IRM), 638
Input Message tab, Data Validation dialog box, 571
Input X Range option, Regression dialog box, 791
InputBox function, 838–839, 893
Insert Calculated Field dialog box, 727
Insert Calculated Item dialog box, 729
Insert Chart Dialog box, 470
Insert Columns option, Protect Sheet dialog box, 640
Insert dialog box, 65–66
HYPGEOMDIST function, 918
HYPGEOM.DIST function, 930
hypocycloid curve, 427
Icon Set conditional formatting rule, 482
icon set examples.xlsx sample file, 939
Icon Sets command, Conditional Formatting drop-down
list, 483
identical strings, 233–234
IE (Internet Explorer), 609
IF function
#DIV/0! errors, 654
error values, 380
formulas using, 200
function of, 925
hiding cumulative sums for missing data, 301
Lookup formulas, 311–312
returning location of maximum value in range, 384
If statement, 894
IFERROR function
#DIV/0! errors, 654
compatibility with older versions, 394
extracting first word of string, 244–245
function of, 925
modified version, 380
overview, 311
testing for error results, 319
If-Then construct, VBA macros, 818
Ignore All button, Spelling dialog box, 672
Ignore Blank check box, Data Validation dialog box, 572
Ignore Error option, 666
Ignore Integer Constraints option, Solver Options dialog
box, 771
Ignore Once button, Spelling dialog box, 672
Ignore Print Areas check box, 178
IMABS function, 922
Image control, ActiveX, 844, 861, 868
Image editing enhancements, 4
IMAGINARY function, 922
IMARGUMENT function, 922
IMCONJUGATE function, 922
IMCOS function, 922
IMDIV function, 922
IMEXP function, 922
IMLN function, 922
IMLOG10 function, 922
IMLOG2 function, 922
Import Customization File option, 546
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