NEGBINOMDIST function, 918
NEGBINOM.DIST function, 930
nesting parentheses in formulas, 198
network server, 157
NETWORKDAYS function, 258, 263, 921
NETWORKDAYS.INTL function, 201, 258, 921
networks, 627
New button, Customize Quick Access Toolbar, 42
New Data Source option, Choose Data Source dialog box, 682
New dialog box, 165
New Formatting Rule dialog box
customizing color scale, 489
Edit Rule button, 491–492
overview, 484–485
New from Existing option, Available Templates screen, 169
New Group button, Ribbon, 549
New Name dialog box
creating arrays, 362–363
creating names for cells and ranges, 91
formulas, 223
overview, 90–91
Refers To box, 212
Refers To field, 224
New page, Backstage view, 162
New Rule command, Conditional Formatting drop-down list,
New Tab button, Ribbon, 549
New Table Quick Style dialog box, 103–104
New Web Query dialog box, 612–613
New Year’s Day, date functions, 269
accessing by newsreaders, 945
accessing by Web browsers, 945–946
searching, 946–947
NewSheet event, 876, 878
newsreaders, 945
1900 date system, 250
1904 date system, 250
No Borders (B) option, 85
No Cell Icon, Edit Formatting Rule dialog box, 493–494
No cells were found message, 74
No Comments or Indicators option, 95
No Switch argument, 351
NOMINAL function, 924
nonblank cells
counting, 285
returning from ranges, 394–395
nondate, 250
None summary formula, 108
nonformula cells, unlocking, 169
MultiSelect property, 869
multiuser application, 628
music list.xlsx sample file, 940
My Templates icon, Available Template screen, 165
N function, 925
#N/A error, 219, 360, 654–655
NA function, 925
Name box
Excel screen, 6–7
ranges, 70
#NAME? error, 219, 655
Name Manager dialog box
Filter button, 660
overview, 93
Name property, 864
Name text field, New Name dialog box, 91
named constant, 223
named styles
applying, 132–133
controlling with templates, 135
creating, 134
merging from other workbooks, 134–135
modifying, 133
overview, 131
applying to existing references, 226
assigning to cells and ranges
Create Names from Selection dialog box, 91–92
creating names, 90–92
managing, 92–94
Name box, 91
New Name dialog box, 90–91
overview, 89–90
removing titles from, 247
using for constants, 222–223
using for formulas, 223–224
of worksheets, changing, 54–55
Names object, 815
naming array constants, 362–363
Narrow setting, Page Layout view, 180
navigating tables, 105
navigation keys, 9–10, 32, 37, 439
negation operator, 658
Negative Points option, Sparklines, 509
negative signs, 565–566
negative times, 274–275
negative values, formula, 303–304
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