overview, 503
specifying date axis, 512–513
types of, 504–505
special characters, inserting, 233
Special format category, 554
Special format, Format Cells dialog box, 46–47
specialized lookup examples.xlsx sample file, 937
spell checking worksheets, 671–672
Spelling dialog box, 672
SpinButton control, ActiveX, 844, 861, 870–871
spinners, 14
Split button control, Ribbon, 14
splitting worksheet window into panes, 62
Spreadsheet Page, Web site, 947
SQL (Structured Query Language), 678
SQRT function, 928
SQRTPI function, 928
stacked area chart, 428
stacked column chart, 420, 430
Standard Deviation error bar, Format Error Bars dialog box,
Standard Errors check box, Moving Average dialog box, 788
STANDARDIZE function, 931
start_period argument
CUMIPMT function, 332
CUMPRINC function, 332
depreciation functions, 351
Startup Prompt dialog box, 594
static consolidation, 600, 604
static information
copying from Excel to Word, 617
pasting, 617–620
Statistical Category Functions, 929–932
Status bar, 6, 8
StdDev summary formula, 108
STDEVA function, 931
STDEVP function, 919
STDEV.P function, 931
STDEVPA function, 931
STDEV.S function, 931
STEYX function, 931
stock charts, 433–436
stock charts.xlsx sample file, 938
Stop Automatically Creating Calculated Columns option,
SmartTag, 217
Store Macro In option, Record Macro dialog box, 803
StrConv function, 837
String data types, 901
SmartArt feature
customizing, 527–528
overview, 525–526
smartart org chart.xlsx sample file, 939
smoothing constant, 786
Solve button, Solver Parameters dialog box, 768
Solver Options dialog box, 770
Solver Parameters dialog box, 767
Solver Results dialog box, 768–769
Solver tool
appropriate problems for, 765
defined, 5
examples using
allocating resources, 776–777
minimizing shipping costs, 773–776
optimizing investment portfolios, 778–779
overview, 765–769
simultaneous linear equations, 771–773
overview, 761, 764, 770–771, 905
Sort dialog box, 111–112
Sort option, Protect Sheet dialog box, 640
sort order, Query Wizard, 686
range of values dynamically, 396
tables, 110–112
source application, 615
source data, pivot table, 705
source workbook
defined, 589
modifying, 596–597
Save As command, 596
source.xlsx sample file, 940
space character errors, 652
space operator, 225
spacing, Shape images, 523
Sparkline chart, 4, 403
sparkline examples.xlsx sample file, 939
Sparkline graphics
auto-updating, 513
creating, 505–507
adjusting axis scaling, 509–510
changing colors and line width, 508
changing type, 508
faking reference lines, 510–512
hidden or missing data, 508
highlighting certain data points, 509
sizing cells, 507
displaying for dynamic ranges, 514–515
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