Excel 2010 Bible

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1



Worksheets object, 815
Worst Case scenario, Scenario Manager, 755
Wrap Text option, 124
wrapping text, worksheet formatting, 124
WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) mode, 406

X icon
Formula bar, 36
New Formatting Rule dialog box, 491–492
XDATE demo.xlsm sample file, 936
XIRR function, 924
XLSA format, 159
XLSB format, 159
XLSK format, 159
XLSM format, 159, 934
XLStart folder, 135, 147
XLSX format, 159, 934
XLTM format, 159
XLTX format, 159
XML files, 159
XNPV function, 924
XPS format, 645
XY charts, 426–427
xy charts.xlsx sample file, 938

YEAR function, 258, 265, 921
YEARFRAC function, 258, 265, 921
yearly calendar.xlsx sample file, 937
years between dates, calculating, 265
YIELD function, 924
YIELDDISC function, 924
YIELDMAT function, 924

Zero option, 461–462
zeros, 563–564
Zip-compressed text files, 159
Zoom control, 6, 8
Zoom to Page option, Print Preview, 173
zooming, worksheets, 59–60
ZTEST function, 919
Z.TEST function, 932
z-Test tool, Analysis ToolPak add-in, 792

worksheets, events (continued)
monitoring specific range for changes, 881
overview, 879–880
SelectionChange, 882–883
background images, 130–131
borders and lines, 128–129
colors and shading, 127–128
document themes, 135–139
fonts, 119–122
named styles, 131–135
text alignment, 122–127
tools for, 115–119
function references, 917–932
hiding/unhiding, 57–58
inserting functions into formulas, 206–208
naming, 54–55
navigating, 9–10, 950
overview, 5–10
pasting range names into formulas, 205–206
assigning user permissions, 641
overview, 637–638
sheet protection options, 640
unlocking cells, 639–640
rearranging, 56–57
referencing from, 212–213
rows and columns
changing height, 67–68
changing width, 67–68
deleting, 66
hiding, 66–67
inserting, 65–66
saving as PDF file, 645–646
spell checking, 671–672
multiple windows, 60–61
overview, 58
panes, freezing, 62–64
side by side sheets, 61
splitting windows into panes, 62
Watch Window, 64–65
zooming, 59–60
closing, 52–53
moving, 51
overview, 49–51
resizing, 51
switching, 52

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