Excel 2010 Bible

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1

Part I: Getting Started with Excel


The Name Manager is useful, but it has a shortcoming: It doesn’t let you display the list of names in a work-
sheet range so you can view or print them. Such a feat is possible, but you need to look beyond the Name

To create a list of names in a worksheet, first move the cell pointer to an empty area of your worksheet — the
list is created at the active cell position and overwrites any information at that location. Press F3 to display the
Paste Name dialog box, which lists all the defined names. Then click the Paste List button. Excel creates a list of
all names in the workbook and their corresponding addresses. n

Adding Comments to Cells

Documentation that explains certain elements in the worksheet can often be helpful. One way to
document your work is to add comments to cells. This feature is useful when you need to describe
a particular value or explain how a formula works.

To add a comment to a cell, select the cell and use any of these actions:

l (^) Choose Review ➪ Comments ➪ New Comment.
l Right-click the cell and choose Insert Comment from the shortcut menu.
l (^) Press Shift+F2.
Excel inserts a comment that points to the active cell. Initially, the comment consists of your name,
as specified in the Excel Options dialog box (you can delete your name, if you like). Enter the text
for the cell comment and then click anywhere in the worksheet to hide the comment. You can
change the size of the comment by clicking and dragging any of its borders. Figure 4.16 shows a
cell with a comment.
You can add comments to cells to help clarify important items in your worksheets.
Cells that have a comment display a small red triangle in the upper-right corner. When you move
the mouse pointer over a cell that contains a comment, the comment becomes visible.

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