Excel 2010 Bible

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1

Chapter 6: Worksheet Formatting


l (^) Center: Centers the cell contents in the cell. If the text is wider than the cell, the text
spills over to cells on either side if they’re empty. If the adjacent cells aren’t empty, the
text is truncated and not completely visible. Also available on the Ribbon.
l Right: Aligns the cell contents to the right side of the cell. If the text is wider than the cell,
the text spills over to the cell on the left. If the cell on the left isn’t empty, the text is trun-
cated and not completely visible. Also available on the Ribbon.
l (^) Fill: Repeats the contents of the cell until the cell’s width is filled. If cells to the right also
are formatted with Fill alignment, they also are filled.
l (^) Justify: Justifies the text to the left and right of the cell. This option is applicable only if
the cell is formatted as wrapped text and uses more than one line.
l (^) Center across Selection: Centers the text over the selected columns. This option is useful
for precisely centering a heading over a number of columns.
l (^) Distributed: Distributes the text evenly across the selected column.
If you choose Left, Right, or Distributed, you can also adjust the Indent setting, which adds space between the
cell border and the text. n
Figure 6.6 shows examples of text that uses three types of horizontal alignment: Left, Justify, and
Distributed (with an indent).
On the CD
If you would like to experiment with text alignment settings, this workbook is available on the companion
CD-ROM. The file is named text alignment.xlsx.
The same text, displayed with three types of horizontal alignment.

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