Excel 2010 Bible

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1

Chapter 6: Worksheet Formatting


Applying a theme ....................................................................................................

Figure 6.16 shows the theme choices that appear when you choose Page ➪ Layout ➪ Themes ➪
Themes. This display is a live preview. (While you move your mouse over the theme choices, the
active worksheet displays the theme.) When you see a theme you like, click it to apply the theme
to all worksheets in the workbook.

A theme applies to the entire workbook. You can’t use different themes on different worksheets within a
workbook. n


Built-in Excel theme choices.

When you specify a particular theme, the gallery choices for various elements reflect the new
theme. For example, the chart styles that you can choose from vary, depending on which theme is

Because themes use different fonts and font sizes, changing to a different theme may affect the lay-
out of your worksheet. For example, after applying a new theme, a worksheet that printed on a
single page may spill over to a second page. Therefore, you may need to make some adjustments
after you apply a new theme.
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