Excel 2010 Bible

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1

Chapter 16: Introducing Array Formulas


array. Also, you must type the curly brackets when defining a named array constant; Excel does
not enter them for you.

After creating this named array, you can use it in a formula. Figure 16.6 shows a worksheet that
contains a single array formula entered into the range A1:G1. The formula is



Creating a named array constant.


Using a named array in an array formula.

Because commas separate the array elements, the array has a horizontal orientation. Use semico-
lons to create a vertical array. Or you can use the Excel TRANSPOSE function to insert a horizontal
array into a vertical range of cells (see “Transposing an array,” later in this chapter). The following
array formula, which is entered into a seven-cell vertical range, uses the TRANSPOSE function:


You also can access individual elements from the array by using the Excel INDEX function. The
following formula, for example, returns Wed, the fourth item in the DayNames array:

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