Excel 2010 Bible

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1

Part III: Creating Charts and Graphics


Chart sheets

When a chart is on a chart sheet, you view it by clicking its sheet tab. Chart sheets and worksheets
can be interspersed in a workbook.

To move an embedded chart to a chart sheet, click the chart to select it and then choose Chart
Tools ➪ Design ➪ Location ➪ Move Chart. Excel displays the Move Chart dialog box, shown in
Figure 18.3. Select the New Sheet option and provide a name for the chart sheet (or accept Excel’s
default name). Click OK, and the chart is moved, and the new chart sheet is activated.

This operation also works in the opposite direction: You can select a chart on a chart sheet and relocate it to a
worksheet as an embedded chart. In the Move Chart dialog box, choose Object In, and then select the work-
sheet from the drop-down list. n


The Move Chart dialog box lets you move a chart to a chart sheet.

When you place a chart on a chart sheet, the chart occupies the entire sheet. If you plan to print a
chart on a page by itself, using a chart sheet is often your better choice. If you have many charts,
you may want to put each one on a separate chart sheet to avoid cluttering your worksheet. This
technique also makes locating a particular chart easier because you can change the names of the
chart sheets’ tabs to provide a description of the chart that it contains.

The Excel Ribbon changes when a chart sheet is active, similar to the way it changes when you
select an embedded chart.

Excel displays a chart in a chart sheet in WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) mode: The
printed chart looks just like the image on the chart sheet. If the chart doesn’t fit in the window,
you can use the scroll bars to scroll it or adjust the zoom factor. You also can change its orientation
(tall or wide) by choosing Page Layout ➪ Page Setup ➪ Orientation.
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