Part III: Creating Charts and Graphics
FIGURE 21.11
The axis in the Sparklines represents the goal.
Specifying a Date Axis
Normally, data displayed in a Sparkline is assumed to be at equal intervals. For example, a
Sparkline might display a daily account balance, sales by month, or profits by year. But what if the
data aren’t at equal intervals?
Figure 21.12 shows data, by date, along with a Sparklines graphic created from Column B. Notice
that some dates are missing, but the Sparkline shows the columns as if the values were spaced at
equal intervals.
FIGURE 21.12
The Sparkline displays the values as if they are at equal time intervals.
To better depict the data, the solution is to specify a date axis. Select the Sparkline and choose
Sparkline Tools ➪ Design ➪ Group ➪ Axis ➪ Date Axis Type. Excel displays a dialog box, asking
for the range that contains the dates. In this example, specify range A2:A11. Click OK, and the
Sparkline displays gaps for the missing dates (see Figure 21.13).