Chapter 30: Using Excel in a Workgroup
Keep in mind the following when using the Track Changes feature:
l Changes made to cell contents are tracked, but other changes (such as formatting changes)
aren’t tracked.
l The change history is kept only for a set interval. When you turn on Track Changes,
changes are kept for 30 days. You can increase or decrease the number of days of history
to keep in from Highlight Changes dialog box (use the When setting).
l (^) If you would like to generate a list of the changes made, choose Review ➪ Changes ➪
Track Changes ➪ Highlight Changes and then enable the List Changes on a New Sheet
check box. Click OK, and Excel inserts a new worksheet named History. This sheet shows
detailed information about each change made.
l (^) Only one level of changes is maintained. Thus, if you change the value of a cell several
times, only the most recent change is remembered.
Reviewing the changes
To review the changes made while using the Track Changes features, choose Review ➪ Changes ➪
Track Changes ➪ Accept/Reject Changes. The Select Changes to Accept or Reject dialog box
appears, enabling you to select the types of changes that you want to review. This dialog box is
similar to the Highlight Changes dialog box. You can specify When, Who, and Where.
Click OK, and Excel displays each change in a new dialog box, as shown in Figure 30.7. You then
click Accept to accept the change or click Reject to reject the change. You can also click Accept All
(to accept all changes) or Reject All (to reject all changes).
The Accept or Reject Changes dialog box displays information about each cell that was changed.