Excel 2010 Bible

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1

Part V: Analyzing Data with Excel


After performing a query, you may want to copy or move the external data range, which you can do by using
the normal copy, cut, and paste techniques. However, make sure that you copy or cut the entire external data
range: Otherwise, the underlying query is not copied, and the copied data can’t be refreshed. n

Deleting a query

If you decide that you no longer need the data returned by a query, you can delete it by selecting
the entire external data range and pressing Delete. Excel displays a warning and asks you to verify
your intentions. Your data source definition remains intact, so you can always re-specify your
original query.

Changing your query

If you bring the query results into your worksheet and discover that you don’t have what you want,
you can modify the query. Move the cell pointer anywhere within the external data table in the work-
sheet. Right-click and choose Table ➪ Edit Query from the shortcut menu. You need to edit the
query using Microsoft Query. See the next section to learn how to work with Query directly.

Using Query without the Wizard

When you choose Data ➪ Get External Data ➪ From Other Sources ➪ From Microsoft Query, the
Choose Data Source dialog box gives you the option of whether to use Query Wizard to create
your query. If you choose not to use Query Wizard, Microsoft Query is launched in a new win-
dow. You also work directly with Query if you choose to edit a query that was created with
Query Wizard.

Microsoft Query is a relatively old application, and its user interface hasn’t been updated to match the other
Office programs. It works fine. It just looks old-fashioned. n

Creating a query manually

Before you can create a query, you must display the Criteria pane. In Query, open the View menu
and place a check next to the Criteria menu item. The Criteria pane appears in the middle of the
window. Figure 33.13 shows Microsoft Query, after selecting the Budget Database from the
Choose Data Source dialog box.
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