Part V: Analyzing Data with Excel
New Feature
Slicers are new to Excel 2010. n
The same type of filtering can be accomplished by using the field labels in the pivot table, but
Slicers are intended for those who might not understand how to filter data in a pivot table. Slicers
can also be used to create an attractive and easy-to-use interactive “dashboard.”
FIGURE 35.20
Using Slicers to filter the data displayed in a pivot table.
To add one or more Slicers to a worksheet, start by selecting any cell in a pivot table. Then choose
Insert ➪ Filter ➪ Slicer. The Insert Slicers dialog box appears, with a list of all fields in the pivot
table. Place a check mark next to the Slicers you want, and then click OK.
Slicers can be moved and resized, and you can change the look. To remove the effects of filtering
by a particular Slicer, click the icon in the Slicer’s upper-right corner.
To use a Slicer to filter data in a pivot table, just click a button. To display multiple values, press
Ctrl while you click the buttons in a Slicer.
Figure 35.21 shows a pivot table and a pivot chart. Two Slicers are used to filter the data (by state
and by month). In this case, the pivot table (and pivot chart) shows only the data for Missouri for
the months of January through March. Slicers provide quick and easy way to create an interactive
On the CD
This workbook, named pivot chart slicer.xlsx, is available on the companion CD-ROM. n