Chapter 35: Analyzing Data with Pivot Tables
Another Pivot Table Example
The pivot table example in this section demonstrates some useful ways to work with pivot tables.
Figure 35.28 shows part of a table with 3,144 data rows, one for each county in the United States.
The fields are
l (^) County: The name of the county
l State Name: The state of the county
l (^) Region: The region (Roman number ranging from I to XII)
l Census 2000: The population of the county, according to the 2000 Census
l (^) Census 1990: The population of the county, according to the 1990 Census
l LandArea: The area, in square miles (excluding water-covered area)
l (^) WaterArea: The area, in square miles, covered by water
On the CD
This workbook, named county data.xlsx, is available on the companion CD-ROM. n
FIGURE 35.28
This table contains data for each county in the United States.
Figure 35.29 shows a pivot table created from the county data. The pivot table uses the Region and
State Name fields for the Row Labels, and uses Census 2000 and Census 1990 as the Column