Attraction Isn't A Choice

(Kiana) #1

Chapter 1: Attraction Isn‟t A Choice

An Open Letter From A Lonely, Beautiful Woman To Herself

―Dear Diary,

It seems like these days are all the same... one guy after another. I guess I
should consider myself lucky, but at the same time it‘s so frustrating to be me.

My boss was ―flirting‖ with me again today. It‘s starting to make me feel
uncomfortable... He‘ll come into my office for absolutely no reason and
pretend he‘s letting me in on some kind of ―secret‖ in the company. It‘s so
obvious what he really wants. It‘s just like when I‘m at the store and some
strange guy will pretend to be shopping for something totally out of the
ordinary (which they never end up buying) just to eye me up and down in the
aisle. These guys just don‘t have a clue.

Tonight I finally went out with Brian. I was so excited... he seemed really
nice at first, but then it just went on and on and on.... ARGH! They just don‘t
get it. It was like everything he did was to try to impress me, from making
sure I approved of the restaurant (and the time, and the table, and even the
parking spot) to finding out my food preferences so he wouldn‘t order
something I disliked FOR HIMSELF. It‘s not like I didn‘t have my own food

It kind of made me sad actually, because he really did seem nice, but he
was just missing that thing. It seems like none of these guys have that
magical thing about them that my old flame James did. It‘s funny, because
James wasn‘t exactly the most handsome guy around, and he certainly wasn‘t
modest, but there was just something magical about the way he carried
himself... like he didn‘t have a care in the world. I can still feel it now when I
think about him.

If he called me tonight everything would be perfect! But I know he won‘t,
so I‘ll stop dreaming now.

I figured just ONE of these last few guys would make me happy. The gifts
and the dinners are nice, (and Steve‘s yacht was amazing!) but none of these
guys can make me feel the way I did with him... It was so exciting... I never
knew what was going to happen next.

I guess it‘s better to be wined and dined that sit home alone thinking about
James, but it‘s really nothing special anymore knowing that some guy is just
going to do whatever I want and give me whatever I ask for... thinking that it‘s
going to make me want him.

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