Attraction Isn't A Choice

(Kiana) #1

Following the commonly accepted way of behaving when you‘re dealing
with a woman that you want to feel attracted to you just won‘t do it.

Ironically, the way to get her approval is to not need it in the first place –
and make SURE that she’s aware of this fact (by mentioning it subtly, dealing
with her tests correctly, and most importantly, making her work for YOUR
attention and approval).

And here‘s an interesting insight that came to me in a blinding flash of the
obvious: If a woman is working hard to get and/or to keep your approval, then
it really doesn’t matter if you have hers. A person can‘t focus on too many
things at once and trying to get a person‘s approval is very distracting. While
she‘s trying to get your approval, she‘ll be too distracted to disapprove of you.

In other words, as long as a woman is working to get your approval, she‘s
far less likely to be picky about you or your behaviors.

Now, don‘t use this information to be abusive. But keep in mind that the
higher your standards are, the more she‘ll work to keep you thinking well of
her... and the less she‘ll nag, complain, and find faults with you.

Filters And Amplifiers

In direct marketing, there is a concept called ―Filters And Amplifiers‖.

The basic idea is that every aspect of a marketing piece or campaign can
be viewed as either something that will make it more successful or less

Aspects that reduce a person‘s interest or desire, or raise their suspicions
or objections are called ―Filters‖ because they cause people to filter out the

Aspects that increase a person‘s interest or desire, or make them want to
take the next step in the buying process are called ―Amplifiers‖ because they
make it more likely that a person will continue and complete the steps
necessary to buy.

When I think about the idea of being successful with women and dating,
and particularly the concept of Attraction, I think about a similar idea.

In summary, everything you do can be seen as either a ―Filter‖, meaning it
reduces the attracting a woman feels (and your chances of success), or an
―Amplifier‖, meaning it increases a woman‘s attraction (and your chances of

Throughout this book I‘m going to make many distinctions between
―attractive‖ behaviors and ―unattractive‖ behaviors.

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