Attraction Isn't A Choice

(Kiana) #1

If you want to make things happen with the ladies, you may have to take a
look at yourself from a different perspective. You may need to get into a few
new habits and routines, and you may need to learn a few things about some
topics that you never found important.

I‘m not talking about going overboard here.

You don‘t have to hire a professional fashion consultant on retainer, get
waxed bi-weekly, and start reading Cosmo every month. But you might want
to try each of these just once, so you can see what‘s going on.

You don‘t have to go spend five grand on a new wardrobe, but you need to
realize that fashions change, and the ―cool‖ jeans you spent fifty bucks on two
years ago just aren‘t hip anymore.

If you‘re reading this right now and saying to yourself, ―I wouldn‘t want to
be with a woman that judges me on how my nails are clipped and what kind of
jeans I‘m wearing‖, then I‘m going to take the risk of offending you and
suggest that you might be making a big mistake.

By thinking this way, you‘ll probably rule out 90% of the women that would
have been possible candidates... maybe more.

The good news is that learning about some of the details that women find
important, then keeping up on them so you‘re not trying to compensate, will
only take maybe a few hours up front and a few minutes a day in the future.

Clip the nails, trim the nose, ear, and hidden hairs, learn to dress well on
any budget... and for godsakes, don‘t wear a belt if it doesn‘t match the shoes!

Do You Get It Or Not?

I‘m going to suggest to you that when you begin interacting with a woman,
she is FIRST AND FOREMOST looking to find out if YOU GET IT.

The part of her mind that looks for potential mates wants to know if you‘re
a man who understands what it takes to trigger the feeling of ATTRACTION
inside of her.

She wants to know if she‘s dealing with someone on her level. She wants
to know if you‘re playing in her league. She wants to know if you‘re speaking
her language.

She wants to know if you‘re comfortable in your own skin around her. She
wants to know if you‘re an ―insider‖ or an ―outsider‖ so she can know how to
treat you. She wants to know whether or not you‘re worth a psychological
second glance.

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