Abundance and Scarcity
I‘ve noticed guys who aren‘t good with women usually make this common
mistake: they think of a woman as a scarce commodity and thus put too much
importance on her.
If you think women are scarce, you‘re going to treat whichever particular
woman you‘re dealing with as if she‘s your only chance.
This will lead you to all sorts of bad risk decisions and leave you very
unattractive to the woman with whom you‘re dealing.
You‘ll be more likely to act like a Wuss, put up with bad behavior from her,
try to get her to lead, and all the other classic mistakes guys make.
To overcome this sabotaging thought-pattern, adopt the mindset of ―There
are plenty of women, so this time around I‘m just practicing in order to learn
the skill. I‘m not going to worry about this particular outcome, as the worst
that could happen is that I‘ll learn from it. This is a step towards eventual
success, and my staircase only leads up.‖
The thing to remember whenever dealing with a woman who is behaving
badly is that she is easily replaceable. You can quickly find a woman who
either doesn‘t try and pull negative stuff on you, or who can accept it when
you reject her little games. Having the mindset that women are plentiful is
more true the earlier you are in the game.
And come to think of it, why worry about blowing an approach? There are
plenty of hot women on the streets, in bars, in clubs, at your local grocery
store, every day! If you rely merely on chance encounters, e.g. meeting
women randomly through mutual friends, you‘re making women seem more
scarce than they really are and giving them more value than they deserve.
By making an effort to go out and approach women, you‘re increasing the
size of the pool of women from which you have to try, fail, and succeed. Thus,
you reduce the importance of any one woman and increase your chance of
success with each outcome because you are reducing the amount of power
they wield over you.
Think about it in reverse for a moment: a hot babe can blow off most guys
because they get approached so often they know they can replace most of
their suitors with the next guy that comes along. If you steal her frame and
start treating her as the over-abundant commodity with whom you can afford
to blow off or fail, suddenly she‘ll realize that you‘re the type of guy who can‘t
be mistreated or be given rude behavior. You and other guys like you won’t be
there if she behaves that way.
In Hollywood romances the girl wants to be treated as if she‘s the only girl
in the world. The truth when you‘re trying to attract a girl is that making her