But there‘s something else that happens, which really fascinates me. If you
watch, you‘ll notice that animals from entirely different species also
communicate with each other.
There are some ocean fishes that are known as ―cleaners‖. Larger fish
swim from the open ocean to ―cleaning stations‖ to have these smaller fishes
remove parasites from their mouths. As the larger fish comes closer, the
smaller cleaner fish begins a special series of movements, which causes the
tofish to stop, open its mouth, and stay completely still. The smaller fish then
enters and cleans the larger fish‘s gills.
Even a fish that has been raised its entire life in an aquarium will respond
the same way when it encounters this special series of movements and
coloring of the cleaner fish.
It’s as if the larger fish has comes pre-programmed with the response from
birth... or maybe it’s not “as if” at all...
If you walk up to a dog, the dog might begin wagging its tail at you and
acting happy. But if you start shouting to express anger, the dog will probably
become afraid and cower. Your message is loud and clear.
Somehow, in all of these situations, there is a language being used that
transcends the need for words. In fact, words would actually be the SLOW way
to communicate in all of these situations. And they would be dangerously
inefficient in most of the cases.
So here‘s my premise: along with many other animals, we humans come
pre-programmed with a very efficient, very primal set of ―languages‖.
It‘s interesting to note that WOMEN communicate with these languages far
better than men. In fact, most men don‘t realize that communication is even
taking place, and by the time they do, it‘s too late.
I want you to go try something so you can get a feel for what I‘m talking
about. I want you to go make friends with a cat. Yes, a cat.
Have you heard that women act like cats, and men act like dogs? Ever
wondered what‘s going on? Have you ever tried to make friends with a cat, but
gave up because the cat wanted nothing to do with you?
Go over to a friend‘s house with a cat that seems to avoid being petted.
But instead of going over to the cat and trying to pet it, I want you to
completely ignore the cat.
Don‘t even look at it.