Attraction Isn't A Choice

(Kiana) #1

The problem with straight arrogance is that it is negative and thus

Cocky Comedy manages to express the same meaning but by adding the
funny component to the arrogance, it avoids being unwelcome. If your
comments are funny, they‘re enjoyable, even when you‘re giving the person a
hard time about something.

Furthermore, humor obscures the negativity in whatever you‘re pointing
out and makes less of an issue of whether it‘s actually important. Although
there might be a kernel of truth to what you‘re saying, you could just be
playing around and having fun. Ball-busting is especially powerful when she
doesn‘t know if you‘re serious or not because there is the tension of
uncertainty excites her.

What‘s implied by Cocky Comedy is a secret signal to women that you are
desirable. You don‘t need to please her with your words because you are worth
being around for your own merits. The point of cocky and funny is not to put
her down or to be a constant stand-up comic... it‘s to show that you value

You Can‘t Always Spell It Out For Her

One key that‘s very important to women is that what‘s going on
subconsciously shouldn‘t always be made explicit.

In other words, you shouldn‘t always talk about it.

If you have to say, ―Oh, you‘re used to getting everything you want and
having men kiss your ass, compliment you, and take you out everywhere. I‘m
not like that, I‘m a real man that you should feel attracted to,‖ it‘s not going to

Since the power of the combination of cocky and funny is in what it SAYS
about you, it only works when there‘s mystery attached to it. If you
acknowledge that not trying to please her distinguishes you from other guys,
the suggestion behind your actions is lost.

From her perspective, if you don‘t consciously realize that‘s how it works,
then you must be acting cocky because you really think you‘re that good. But
if you do know how it works, then you might be acting cocky because you
want it to look like you think you‘re that good.

Women value inspiration, naturalness, the romance of chance and fantasy,
etc. Women have romantic stories in their head that, when played out in real
life, are very powerful: going to the beach and getting on a swing, chivalry, a
man who is dominant, etc.

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