HTML5 and CSS3, Second Edition

(singke) #1

Joe asks:

How Do I Convert My Own Fonts?

If you have developed your own font or have purchased the rights to a font and need
to make it available in multiple formats, you can use the website Font Squirrel to
convert the font and provide you with a style sheet with the @font-face code you’ll need.a
Be sure your font’s license allows this type of usage, though.


the rest of the rules. The question mark makes IE 8 think everything after
the EOT is query parameters, and it’s essentially ignored.

This code assumes we’ve placed all of the fonts in stylesheets/fonts. The links to
the fonts are relative to the location of the style sheet, not the HTML page
that calls the style sheet. That makes sense, because the style sheet will be
called from different HTML pages in a real-world site.

Now that we’ve defined the font family, we can use it in our style sheet. We’ll
change our original font style so it looks like this:


With that small change, our page’s text displays in the new font, as shown
in Figure 29, The blog with the new font applied, on page 168.

Applying a font is relatively easy in modern browsers, but we need to consider
browsers that don’t support this yet.

Falling Back

We’ve already provided fallbacks for various versions of Internet Explorer and
other browsers, but we still need to ensure our pages are readable in browsers
that lack support for the @font-face feature or are for some reason unable to
download our font.

We provided alternate versions of the Garogier font, but when we applied the
font, we didn’t specify any fallback fonts. That means if the browser doesn’t
support display of our Garogier font, it’s going to use the browser’s default
font. That isn’t ideal.

report erratum • discuss

Working with Fonts • 167

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