HTML5 and CSS3, Second Edition

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Be sure to investigate the specification. The manifest file has more complex
options you can use. For example, you can specify that certain things should
not be cached and should never be accessed offline, which is useful for
ignoring certain dynamic files.

Manifest and Caching

When you’re working with your application in development mode, you want
to disable any caching on your web server. By default, many web servers
cache files by setting headers that tell browsers not to fetch a new copy of a
file for a given time. This can trip you up while you’re adding things to your
manifest file.

If you use Apache, you can disable caching by adding this to your .htaccess


This disables caching on the entire directory, so it’s not something you want
to do in production. But it ensures that your browser will always request a
new version of your manifest file.

If you change a file listed in your manifest, you’ll want to modify the manifest
file, too, by changing the version-number comment we added.

Detecting Network Connectivity

The application we wrote works offline, but what if we want to detect an active
network connection and synchronize the local data to a server? We can do

First, by using the navigator.onLine property, we can determine if we are currently


This works in Safari, Firefox, and Chrome and is easy to use, but it’s just a
simple check for network connectivity. With this, we know the current status
of the connection. We also have events we can listen for so we can handle
dropped connections:

report erratum • discuss

Working Offline • 205

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