HTML5 and CSS3, Second Edition

(singke) #1
<pclass="email">[email protected]</p>
<pclass="email">[email protected]</p>
<pclass="email">[email protected]</p>

On that page, we’ll also load both the jQuery library and our own custom
application.js file right above the closing <body> tag:



The style sheet for the contact list looks like this:


ul h2,ul p{margin:0;}


It takes just a couple of small tweaks to make the list look a little cleaner.

Posting the Message
When a user clicks an entry in our contact list, we’ll grab the email from the
list item and post a message back to the parent window. The postMessage()
method takes two parameters: the message itself and the target window’s
origin. Remember, the contact list is being served from http://localhost:4000,
but it’s going to be included in an <iframe> by a page served from
http://localhost:3000. So that’s the URL we’ll send messages back to.

Here’s how the entire event handler looks:

report erratum • discuss

Talking across Domains • 215

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