HTML5 and CSS3, Second Edition

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Features Quick Reference

In the descriptions that follow, browser support is shown in square brackets
using a shorthand code and the minimum supported version number. The
codes used are C: Chrome, F: Firefox, S: Safari, IE: Internet Explorer, O: Opera,
iOS: iOS devices with Safari, and A: Android browser.

A1.1 New Elements

Referenced in Tip 1, Redefining a Blog Using Semantic Markup, on page 15:

Defines a header region of a page or section. [C5, F3.6, S4, IE8, O10]

Defines a footer region of a page or section. [C5, F3.6, S4, IE8, O10]

Defines a navigation region of a page or section. [C5, F3.6, S4, IE8, O10]

Defines a logical region of a page or a grouping of content. [C5, F3.6, S4,
IE8, O10]

Defines an article or complete piece of content. [C5, F3.6, S4, IE8, O10]

Defines secondary or related content. [C5, F3.6, S4, IE8, O10]

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