HTML5 and CSS3, Second Edition

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New Structural Tags and Attributes

I’d like to talk to you about a serious problem affecting many web developers
today. Divitis is rampant—this chronic syndrome causes web developers to
wrap elements with extra <div> tags with IDs such as banner, sidebar, article, and
footer. It’s also highly contagious. Developers pass Divitis among each other
extremely quickly, and since <div>s are invisible to the naked eye, even mild
cases of Divitis may go unnoticed for years.

Here’s a common symptom of Divitis:


Here we have an unordered list, which is already a block element, wrapped
with two <div> tags that are also block elements. Remember, block elements
fall on their own line, whereas inline elements do not force a line break, and
so this <div> tag doesn’t serve any purpose. The id attributes on these wrapper
elements tell us what they do, but you can remove at least one of these
wrappers to get the same result. Overuse of markup leads to bloat and pages
that are difficult to style and maintain.

There is hope, though. The HTML5 specification provides a cure in the form
of new semantic tags that describe their content. Because so many developers
have made sidebars, headers, footers, and sections in their designs, the

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