HTML5 and CSS3, Second Edition

(singke) #1
“Nevergivesomeonea chanceto say no when

We’ll place the callout quote in an <aside> element. We’ll nest this <aside>
within the article, keeping it close to its related content.

Our completed section, with the aside, looks like this:

<h2>How ManyShouldWe Put You DownFor?</h2>
<p>Postedby Brianon
<timedatetime="2013-10-01T14:39">October1st, 2013 at 2:39PM</time>
“Nevergivesomeonea chanceto say no when
The firstbig rulein salesis thatif the personleavesempty-handed,
they'relikelynot goingto comeback.That'swhy you haveto be
somewhataggressivewhenyou'reworkingwitha customer,but you have
to makesureyou don'toverdoit and scarethemaway.
One way you can keepa conversation goingis to avoidaskingquestions
thathaveyes or no answers.For example,if you'resellinga service
plan,don'teverask “Areyou interestedin our 3 or 5 year
serviceplan?”Instead, ask “Areyou interestedin the 3
yearserviceplanor the 5 yearplan,whichis a bettervalue?”
At firstglance,theyappearto be askingthe samething,and while
a customercan stillopt out, it'sharderfor themto opt out of
the secondquestionbecausetheyhaveto say morethanjust
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