HTML5 and CSS3, Second Edition

(singke) #1

Creating a Printer-Only Style Sheet

When we add a style sheet to a page, we can specify the media type that the
styles apply to. Most of the time, we use the screen type. However, we can use
the print type to define a style sheet that loads only when the page is printed
(or when someone uses the Print Preview function).


We then create a print.css style sheet file with this simple rule:

content:" ("attr(href)") ";

For every link on the page, this adds the value of the href inside parentheses
after the link’s text. When you print it from a modern browser, it looks like

If you want to see it in action without using up paper, you can use your
browser’s Print Preview feature, which also triggers this style sheet.

Best of all, Internet Explorer 8 and up support creating content this way, so
there’s no need for a fallback.

The double-colon syntax

The :before and :after pseudoelements were introduced in the CSS2.1 specifica-
tion.^2 In early drafts, they appear with two colons, like this:

content:" ("attr(href)") ";


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Making Links Printable with :after and content • 79

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