Nursing Law and Ethics

(Marcin) #1
decision makers.CLJ380 ,and Law Commission ?1995)Mental Incapacity.The Sta-
tionery Office ,London. See also nowRe SL Adult Patient Medical Treatment)[2001] 2
FCR 452.

  1. [1997] 2 FLR 439.

  2. See ,for example ,Airedale NHS Trustv.Bland[1993] AC 879,Re R[1996] 2 FLR 99.

  3. [1997] 2 FLR 441.

  4. [1997] 2 FLR 439.

  5. [1997] 2 FLR 445.

  6. See ,for example ,Stern page 243.
    44.Consent to Treatment.NHS EL ?97) 32. See alsoGood Practice in Consent.NHS HSC

  7. See also Grubb ,A. ?1996) Treatment without consent: pregnancy ?adult).Medical Law

  8. See further discussion in Chapter 9A in this book.

  9. Per Lord Elton Hansard ?HL) 1982 cols 1064±5.

  10. Reference was made to the judgment of Lord Mustill inAiredale NHS Trustv.Blandand
    to Lord Reid inSv.Mc[1972] AC 24.

  11. [1998] 3 WLR 957.

  12. See further Brazier ,M. ?1992)Medicine, Patients and the Law,p. 293. Penguin ,London.

  13. [1998] 3 WLR 953.

  14. Bailey Harris ,R. ?1998) Pregnancy ,Autonomy and Refusal of Medical Treatment.Law
    Quarterly Review550 ,p. 554.

  15. For example,Re B[1987] 2 All ER 206 and the discussion in the Law Commission
    ReportMental Incapacityas to the involvement of judicial scrutiny of such treatment
    decisions ,e.g. Part VI of the Report.

  16. See ,for example ,Kennedy ,I. ?1997) Consent: adult ,refusal of consent ,capacity
    Medical Law Review,317 ,pp. 320±25.

  17. SeeBolamv.Friern Hospital Management Committee[1957] 2 All ER 118.

  18. [1997] 3 WLR 1151.

  19. See further the discussion of this issue by Grubb ,A. ?1997) 7 Med LR 61.

  20. Report of the Inquiry into the Royal Liverpool Childrens Hospital ?Alder Hey) ?2001) and Bristol Inquiry Interim ReportRemoval and Retention
    of Human Material?2000)

  21. Report of the Review into the Research Framework at North Staffordshire http:// and see Chapter 12A in this book.

  22. Bristol Royal Infirmary Final Report ?2001) Chapter 23.

  23. Bristol Royal Infirmary Final Report ,p. 286.
    62.Sidawayv.Bethlem Royal Hospital Governors[1985] 2 WLR 503.

  24. DoH ?2001)Reference Guide to Consent for Examination and Treatment,para 5.6.

  25. See for a similar approach GMC ?1998)Seeking Patients Consent: The ethical con-
    siderations.General Medical Council ,London.

  26. SeeChattertonv.Gerson[1981] QB 432.

  27. See generally Winslow ,G.R. ?1984) From Loyalty to Advocacy A New Metaphor For
    Nursing.Hastings Centre Report32. Bernal ,E.W. ?1992) The Nurse as Patient Advocate.
    Hastings Centre Report,33.

  28. UKCC ?1996)Guidelines for Professional Practice,p. 18.

  29. See further as to the extent of the obligation of a nurse to obey doctors' instructions,
    Montgomery ,J. ?1993) Doctors' handmaidens: the legal contribution. In McVeigh ,S. &
    Wheelar ,S.Law and Medical Regulation.Dartmouth ,Aldershot.

  30. See Brazier ,M. ?1991) Revised consent forms in the NHS.Professional Negligence,148.

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