Nursing Law and Ethics

(Marcin) #1
Clinical Judgment: A Critical Appraisal,,ed. Engelhardtet al.) D. Reidel Publishing
Company, Dordrecht, Holland.

  1. Kitchiner, D. & Bundred, P. ,1996) Integrated care pathways.Archives in Disease in
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  2. Rigge, M. ,1999) Patient expectations of clinical governance. InClinical governance:
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  3. DoH ,2000)An organisation with a memory: report of an expert group on learning from
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  4. Jones, M. ,1997)Clinical Risk Management.Institute of Law Medicine and Bioethics,

  5. UKCC ,1992)Professional Code of Conduct.UKCC, London.

  6. GMC ,1995)Duties of a doctor.The General Medical Council, London.

  7. Lyon, J. ,1996)The Trojan Horse: Problems of CRM.MSc Dissertation, Universit yof

  8. See Wu, A. ,2000) Medical error: the second victim,BMJ,320, 726±7, for a discussion
    of the practicalities of talking about mistakes.

  9. NHS Executive ,1994)Risk Management in the NHS.The Stationer yOffice, London.

  10. Davies, H. & Shields, A. ,1999) Public trust and accountabilit yfor clinical performance:
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    Clinical Practice, 5 ,3), 335±42.

  11. Smith, al.,1999) Shared ethical principles for everybody in health care: a working
    draft from the Tavistock Group.BMJ,318, 248±51.

  12. Swage, T. ,2000)Clinical Governance in Health Care Practice,Butterworth Heinemann,

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