
(Frankie) #1

(^404) Financial Management
Figure:Figure:Figure:Figure:Figure: Process Flow Chart of Asset Securitisation
l The main benefit to the originator is the additional source of capital can be
accessed through securitisation relieving the normal receivable, deposit collection
l Without disturbing the liabilities side of the balance sheet the originator can
raise finances and increase their activity of lending which enhances the
l The originator can reduce their existing debtors and can reduce their risk.
l By selling the debtors in the form of securities, liquidity of the entity/bank can
be enhanced.
l Cash coming in from sale of assets can be used to fund either capital and
reserves or to lend again.
l In case cash is used to fund capital and reserves, it results in lowering the debt-
equity ratio.
l If in case cash is lent, it increases the turnover and profit ultimately for the
l Securitisation also improves the income to asset ratio by increasing income on
the one hand and reducing the total volume of assets on the other.
l The main benefit to an investor is that he gets a security which is backed by
adequate collaterial and has credit enhancement.
l Most of such securities are rated by credit rating agencies. Hence, it becomes
Balance Sheet
Liabilities Assets
Trade receivables
Automobile loans Investors
Housing loans
Mortgage loans, etc.
Pool of Assets Trust Instruments
Credit Rating Third Party support Insurance cover Underwriting

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