perception. The Adept chooses the Flame once and for all - unconditionally and definitively. Then
God falls out of the equation and the Path to the Flame and Antiquity appears.
What distinguishes authentic magic systems from artificial ones? In the authentic magic systems,
we derive the theory from practice, and then we have synchronization. In artificial systems,
someone accepts a theory of trust and presumably considers it credible and builds his practice on
this basis and of course, the effect is defective. These artificial systems are looking for something
familiar to rely on, something that can be explained and understood, but not necessarily truly
authentic. No, no, and no. The true Adept of Magic is a creator, reformer, discoverer, experimenter.
Practitioner. This is not one who studies the Art of Magic from books and reference books and
then puts it into practice. He first finds a specific goal, a "magic task to solve." Then, following
his intuition, magical sense of wholeness and conformity, and guided by Universal Principles, he
proceeds directly to practice in order to solve the "task" in one way or another. Many successes
and many failures follow. Based on these experiments, the Adept derives the "theory", rules and
principles of Magic Art. The central idea is to achieve the goal and realize the Intention, not to
follow fictional authorities and rules that were created and then distorted and mistakenly imitated
by many people over the centuries.
An example of this is the Sun-centric and Mercury-centric systems. In many magical systems, the
mercury-centric system is preferred. Why? Because mercury contains both the masculine and the
feminine, three pairs appear separately: Mars-Venus, Jupiter-Saturn, Sun-Moon. At first glance, it
seems very logical and theoretically correct. Mathematically reliable. But why is that so? So said
the alchemists and several "authorities". A typical example of how a magic system is based on
theory rather than practice. The Mercury-centric system sounds logical, but it does not solve any
magical problem, it is simply "correct" because it is "correct." On the other hand, if we take the
Sun's central system, it may confuse the accounts of astrologers, alchemists, and Kabbalists, but
the Sun (of all the planets listed) plays a central role in human life. And that's why we don't need
great authorities in the occult sciences to tell us. Everyone knows it. The sun solves many "tasks"
- light and heat; the process of photosynthesis in plants, etc. That is, in a conditional magic system,
the practitioner will focus on the Sun, and the other planets will eventually play a supporting role,
depending on what results we seek to achieve.
Another example is martial arts. There are naturally created styles and artificially created styles.
The naturally created fighting style in historical terms is the one that has a high military value. A
style created on the principle of hundreds of trials and errors, until results are achieved and one
military methodology is replaced by another. Thus, based on experience and results achieved from
these military fighting styles, some theoretical rules are derived. On the other hand, nowadays
there are many artificially created styles that are "laboratory-made". Someone decides to try in a
controlled environment to disarm an attacker who has a knife or a pistol. On the basis of some
widely accepted theories, it is assumed what should be done and from this theory, the practice is
derived. Of course, success in a real situation is quite questionable, but the style achieves its goal - it sells well in the market.
A third example is shamanism and some western teachings, such as Kabbalah. The shaman is
guided by practice and intuition. There is a peculiarity here that practice does not always lead to
theory, and sometimes only practice remains. Often when asked why a shaman does this or that,