things like money, power, luck, love. Complete ignorance. These are "perverted" magic acts,
subject not to Necessity but desires and ambitions.
If we assume that a person should be at Zero, keep the Balance and it happens that the scale is
tilted not in his favor - it becomes a negative number - - 5, -10, -20, and so on. Then he can use the
Magic Art to regain his position in Zero, to restore the Balance. But if a person is at Zero and sick
ambitions make him accumulate more - to become a positive number - +5, +6, +10, etc., this is
already a search for profits and is unnecessary. To actively serve the Mission, you must always be
in good shape. Therefore, you can use magic wisely for personal purposes when Necessary. The
Magician should also constantly train and experiment with new Magic Acts to maintain his level.
That is why the Magician uses magic in everything he touches - even in the most trivial things,
such as walking, resting, eating, talking to someone - doing everything magically.
The Magician is not guided by any feeling that his destiny is already written, but acts according to
the Principles. An Adept should observe carefully and always be able to estimate when an event
comes as a consequence of a decision already made (and realized) and when it comes as a root
cause, as an initial impulse. Sometimes the things a person makes based on the choices he has
made come up with consequences that are very difficult to avoid. Therefore, in such cases, Magic
can partially change and modulate similar consequences, but not completely erase them. There is
a huge difference when we use Magic Art to create something new - the root cause. And when we
use it to correct something already created. The Magician must understand this and be able to make
the Distinguish. Sometimes there is an indirect strategy to create something new (because then you
have more control over it) and this indirectly modulates something already created (either by
yourself or by someone else). Sometimes the Apprentice may think that his magical act didn`t
produce any changes, but in fact he simply shaped something already coming as a result of
previous actions. The Apprentice may have naively believed that he could undo it. But what he
often does not know is that if he did not act at all, the consequences of the results of previous
actions could have been much more severe and were significantly decreased by his magical
actions. This requires a high level of Clarity. Sometimes this "softening" is the maximum that a
Magician can do. We should have in mind that not everything comes as a consequence of our
previous decisions and actions - sometimes things come from external factors, so the constant
practice of Magic Art to a large extent removes other people's influences and makes the Apprentice
more independent.
In summary, magic can be used for personal purposes, but not for profit. Which is the Measure?
The Intention. You have a cold and a high body temperature. You could appreciate this and use it
to purify yourself. You can also act magically to mitigate the damage to yourself. And here comes
the Intention as a factor. Why do you want that? To be on your feet sooner and to act on the Mission
or do you want to heal faster to do more nonsense and stupidities?
The painter paints pictures. The poet writes poems. The Magician applies the Art of Magic. No
matter what happens to a Magician, he will always act in a magical way using the techniques and
principles of the Art of Magic, because this is what he is. This is what he does. Even if he receives
a negative result from his previous wrong actions, which return as karma, the Magician does not
try to cancel them, but to transform them. Sometimes he can even use the Magic Art to find out
why this is happening to him now and in this form and thus achieve Clarity. Even if he finds that
he has to suffer something in a flawless way, he will still use Magic to be as accurate as possible
and will face all consequences Flawlessly. It is his duty to use Magic because that is his life.