The Art of Magic by Moriel Yamanu

(tbbbooks) #1

by someone who possesses it. This is what the Adept means - the one who has mastered a magical
system to perfection and can pass it on to a Disciple. Transmissions are not fairy tales of magic
topics but lessons that should be transmitted in person and remain forever only between teacher
and disciple. It is this Knowledge that is Sacred, because it is shared with the Chosen One -


The study of Magic Art is a matter of life and death. The foolish have no place here. It is important
to know that the Magician wagers his life every day when he wakes up and every night when he
goes to bed. Always ready to reach the end of the Path he has chosen. The choices the Magician
makes are final and no one can dissuade him. You want to study the Art of Magic. You want to
become a great Magician and have your name remembered. You want to change reality. You want,
you want, you want... And what are you ready to give? Magic Art is given only to the chosen
ones. Those ready to do absolutely anything to learn it. Those who stop at nothing. The
Indomitable. Those who wager their lives without regret. Those who are ready to pledge their lives
to reveal the deepest secrets of Magical Art. If you are not ready to give your life for the Mission
and to make Magic your way of life, you will get nothing. When the Apprentice makes a final and
unconditional decision to set out on the Path, he wagers his life. From that moment on, life does
not belong to him. It belongs to the Mission. Whether the Magician will live or not depends on the
demands of the Mission. The Magician realizes that life is no longer his own, but is lent to him so
that he can serve. Thus, the Mission can unnaturally prolong someone's life, make him immortal,
or it can take his life immediately if the Mission considers him unworthy.


The Magician knows that we see something for real, only when we see it for the first time. Then
we just agree with what is generally accepted, what it should be, and accept another's story about
what we have seen. Every next time we encounter the object or phenomenon in question, we simply
recall the learned image and actually make a reminder - we no longer see it for real. We do
everything automatically, without paying attention to it. And that's why most people have very
few significant memories - unforgettable memories remain when we see something for real. For
most people, this only happens when they see it for the first time. The Magician can see everything
every time as if for the first time. To see things as they really are. The Magician does not lose his
true vision and so can tell when and how objects and people change their energetic bodies. Watch
things for real. Don't take them for granted. To succeed in this task, the Apprentice must doubt the


The Мagician constantly doubts everything he sees in the world. The wind flowed down the tree.
But is this a tree? Did the wind really blow it down? And who sent the wind? And why this tree?

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