passes beyond the Horizon.” If the gaze spans from the Third to the Sixth, without stopping
anywhere in particular, we get the the "Comprehensive Eye of the Eagle"
If the left eye looks at the Fifth and the right eye looks at the Fourth, we obtain the "The Crossing
Eyes of the Eagle". This was the vision splits and focuses in the quadrangular field with the form
of an irregular rhombus, with the sharp point facing downwards, just below the Spiders Heart. This field is directly related to the Adept
s Magical Vision. There is another special vision that is
responsible for the Awakening. This Vision is peripheral. If the Adept has his back to the Ninth
Sphere and a face looking between the Fourth and Fifth Spheres, the fields of Awakeness are two:
two irregular hexagons. One is located as we go from the Heart of the Spider to the Third Sphere
and is locked between two of the main Arteries. The other field is in the symmetrical position on
the path from the Heart to the Sixth Sphere. The right eye of the Adept cannot see the field on the
side of the Third Sphere, nor can the left eye see the field on the side of the Sixth Sphere. The two
eyes see different things. We have a division that the mind cannot comprehend. This is called
"Gaze into the Hidden". If the Apprentice observes the Cobweb from the outside and moves his
gaze on the Second Veil - from the Seventh to the Second Sphere and vice versa, it is "The Eagle
Flies on the Horizon". If the eyes follow the Circle clockwise - "The Eagle Opening Gaze". If the
eyes follow the Circle counterclockwise - "The Eagle Closing Eye Gaze".
If we say that the Spider`s Cobweb contains Magic Art itself, this would not be a false statement.
Spider's Cobweb is Apprentices "desktop," his "battlefield." In this chapter, only some of the basics
are given so that the Apprentice can get a general idea. This is just the beginning. The detailed
study of the Cobweb is discussed in other books of the Brotherhood. The finest secrets of the
Cobweb could take a lifetime.
If you have chosen the Path of the Flame. If you have made your decision and walk the Path of the
Apprentice, there is no going back. Your friends will not recognize you anymore and will avoid
Your parents will be deeply disappointed and will never understand your new life. Your relatives
will see you as a stranger and will not recognize you as one of them. You will feel like a prisoner
in your room. There will be no home left for you, nor will be a family. You will be infinitely alone.
You have chosen the Path of the Hidden, the Path of the Secret. You have chosen the Path of the
Occult Disciple, the Apprentice of Magic. Only those who have also chosen the Hidden can be
your companions on this Path. The other Occult Disciples. They are all your Brothers and Sisters.
They are the true family that follows you in all your reincarnation. The only real family you will
have that will accept you with your diversity. The family that will only be able to comprehend you.
The only family you will ever have - your Brothers and Sisters. The Black Brothers and Sisters are
as inseparable and connected as the drops in the ocean. If a Black Brother or Sister gets into trouble,
the whole Brotherhood comes to help.
Each Brother or Sister is a drop in the ocean of the Black Water. Part of the whole. The drops
gather together and thus form the Circles - a gathering of Brothers and Sisters, united and working
together. Often within the Circle, individual Brothers and Sisters have specific skills, specific
training. In general, they are divided into three main "specialties" - Warriors (The Art of
Flawlessness), Strategists (The Art of Strategy), Magicians (The Art of Magic). These "specialties"
hide many sub-specialties and require specialized training.