The Art of Magic by Moriel Yamanu

(tbbbooks) #1

Third Trap: Faith. Believers serve nothing but their idealized self-image, which they call God.
What they want to be, but do not know how to be. They can't, because they don't have hidden
skills, nor do they aim to develop skills. They just want to believe while they can. Until faith
collapses under the pressure of the Storm of Reality, which sweeps away all fantasies. That is why
believers do not have a Mission and get nowhere. They remain lost in the world. They can never
become Adepts because Adept means to master special skills in an Esoteric System, and the
believer does not master anything and does not develop magical skills - he just believes and that`s
it. Thus he does not experience anything and assimilates nothing, therefore the believer transforms
nothing. Faith is a very dangerous disease because it makes a person static and deprives him of the
ability to awaken the Intention. Faith itself completely excludes Magic. You don't have to believe
in something you know to be real. If you believe, then you do not know and you hope. This is how
doubt creeps in. Doubting the Magic Act you apply, is a deadly mistake. Faith is completely
unnecessary in Magic Art. Magic serves Necessity and there is no room for anything unnecessary.
Believers and religious people will be not admitted to the new Universe Cycle, as they are
superfluous and do not fit into the Necessity. Therefore, they will be removed from the Wheel of
the Proto-Elements mercilessly and uncompromisingly, along with all other weeds, so the garden
will stay clean.

Fourth trap: God. Trusting in God is a trap for the Apprentice. As long as the Apprentice believes
in God, he will never be able to study the Magic Art. God is not Real. He is the image of the
Primordial Man, in whom people have tacitly agreed to believe. God has been rewarded with
human qualities that make him a superman instead of something divine. God is a story, a
description made by people. God can be expressed by words, but not experienced, precisely
because he is not Reality. That is why God exists only for believers because they choose to accept
this description of God. An illusion in which man has chosen to believe. So, "God" is something
that does not really exist but a lot can be said about him, there are many books written in which
God has human qualities and as a "superman" directs people's lives. The Flame (the Proto-Source)
cannot be spoken of, nor can it be conveyed in words or described, but it can be experienced and
mastered to a certain degree. This is a Force that cannot be tamed or obeyed but can be modulated
and applied. God gives hope to people that there is a power that can possibly help them if they are
obedient. For all of those people who do not have the magical skills and magical vision to see the
Energy Structure of the Universe and follow its Cycles, there is nothing else to do but believe in
God. They just don't have much of a choice - that's all that's left to satisfy their hunger.

Fifth trap: Modesty and humility. These are dangerous traps. Humble before men and humble
before God. If someone is cowardly and very humble and just because of that does not make
mistakes - he has nothing to do with Flawlessness. Such followers of all kinds of religious and
spiritual teachings live in constant inner fear of whether they are good enough for God and their
religious community; whether they will be well received or not. So they do not even dare to show
their noses outside because of fear of committing mistakes. That's why they stay in one place and
don't go anywhere. The Magician is bold in his actions and thus captures the elusive. When you
remain Flawless in your audacity, it is true Flawlessness. Here, believers in God and other fictional
characters are like young children who accept their dad as a superpower who brings goods home
and they wait for their mother to cook for them, to serve them, so they can just sit and eat. The
Adept has no faith, no "mom and dad" and knows that if he does not hunt for the Power, there will
be nothing on the table. That is why the Adept is independent and boldly hastens forward through

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